Albert Cross diary, 1862
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April WEDNESDAY, 9, 1862. It is somewhat warmer to day but is very muddy our trade is somewhat smaller to day than yesterday Court commenced to day and Unkle Dan was over He does not like the way some men swore to day and He says He dont want to go back again, I think will have to call over and see how they are getting along after a while. the mail has just arrived and brings news of one of the hardest fought Battle we have had since the war commenced report says that there was about 2000 killed and wounded of our men & from 30. to 35000 of the Rebels. Rumor also says that Dan Miller & wife arrived from Ohio to day I have not seen them yet.
April WEDNESDAY, 9, 1862. It is somewhat warmer to day but is very muddy our trade is somewhat smaller to day than yesterday Court commenced to day and Unkle Dan was over He does not like the way some men swore to day and He says He dont want to go back again, I think will have to call over and see how they are getting along after a while. the mail has just arrived and brings news of one of the hardest fought Battle we have had since the war commenced report says that there was about 2000 killed and wounded of our men & from 30. to 35000 of the Rebels. Rumor also says that Dan Miller & wife arrived from Ohio to day I have not seen them yet.
Civil War Diaries and Letters