Albert Cross diary, 1862
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May, Thursday, 22, 1862. This is a very fine day but I presume it will be very dull in our business, I called round to see Cynthia Last night Her health is improving Rapidly. I have the blues this morning Iff I was back in Old Ohio I would like it, or Iff I was only in Indiana with my Father a short time it would do me good. I am so tired of this Place No news by mail to day except a Call for 100,000 more men for the army I hope this war may not be prolonged any farther than nesesary for I am tired of it now, I feel so bad I wish it was night. all the Pleasure I have is in sleeping.
May, Thursday, 22, 1862. This is a very fine day but I presume it will be very dull in our business, I called round to see Cynthia Last night Her health is improving Rapidly. I have the blues this morning Iff I was back in Old Ohio I would like it, or Iff I was only in Indiana with my Father a short time it would do me good. I am so tired of this Place No news by mail to day except a Call for 100,000 more men for the army I hope this war may not be prolonged any farther than nesesary for I am tired of it now, I feel so bad I wish it was night. all the Pleasure I have is in sleeping.
Civil War Diaries and Letters