Albert Cross diary, 1862
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July, WEDNESDAY, 2, 1862. This was a plesant morning but it turned out to be a very warm day we had not a very good trade to day the mail brought no news in particular to day. this was the Commencement day at the U. P. College I guess they had a grand time of it I could not attend Mr Tracy is going to give a concert to night in the M. E. Church and the people are flocking there by the score Just now so I must quit and go or else I will not get a seat.
July, WEDNESDAY, 2, 1862. This was a plesant morning but it turned out to be a very warm day we had not a very good trade to day the mail brought no news in particular to day. this was the Commencement day at the U. P. College I guess they had a grand time of it I could not attend Mr Tracy is going to give a concert to night in the M. E. Church and the people are flocking there by the score Just now so I must quit and go or else I will not get a seat.
Civil War Diaries and Letters