Albert Cross diary, 1862
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July, FRIDAY, 4, 1862. It is cloudy and looks rather dull this morning there are a great many going to Brighton to the Celebration to day and I am afraid they will have a rainy day of it but I hope not. Jonathan has taken his Departure long ago. It is my opinion the trip will cost mutch and pay little. Well it did not rain and I am glad of it for I wanted those who had gone to Brighton to have a good time and they say they had a very nice time I went out this evening and took tea with the Ladies we had a very nice super Indeed but now all is over for this time.
July, FRIDAY, 4, 1862. It is cloudy and looks rather dull this morning there are a great many going to Brighton to the Celebration to day and I am afraid they will have a rainy day of it but I hope not. Jonathan has taken his Departure long ago. It is my opinion the trip will cost mutch and pay little. Well it did not rain and I am glad of it for I wanted those who had gone to Brighton to have a good time and they say they had a very nice time I went out this evening and took tea with the Ladies we had a very nice super Indeed but now all is over for this time.
Civil War Diaries and Letters