Albert Cross diary, 1862
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August, SUNDAY, 3, 1862. It is raining this morning like the very Devil. I recived a letter yesterday of G. W. Neal I answered it to day I waited until it quit raining and then I went to hear Mr Shearer preach I then went to the Methodist Church and saw them take the sacriment and then I went to Bible Class. and from there to the M. E. Church again, and heard a very good Discourse by Mr [Evenaur?] of Muscatine. I think He is a smart man but not very honest but this amount of Preaching ought to a man for some time.
August, SUNDAY, 3, 1862. It is raining this morning like the very Devil. I recived a letter yesterday of G. W. Neal I answered it to day I waited until it quit raining and then I went to hear Mr Shearer preach I then went to the Methodist Church and saw them take the sacriment and then I went to Bible Class. and from there to the M. E. Church again, and heard a very good Discourse by Mr [Evenaur?] of Muscatine. I think He is a smart man but not very honest but this amount of Preaching ought to a man for some time.
Civil War Diaries and Letters