Marcellus W. Darling letters, 1865-1892
02_1865-01-23-Page 01
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Jan 23d /65 My Dear Brother you can well Immagine when you read this the sorrow that fills our hearts at this time, I hasten to Inform you that our Dear brother Delass is dead he died one week ago this morning at half past two O,Clock the 16th of this month we were looking for him home when we received a letter from his nurse stating that his recovery was doubtful Milo and Lib Started the next day it was Sunday a week ago yesterday they started From your Affectionate Sister Mary E Franklin
Jan 23d /65 My Dear Brother you can well Immagine when you read this the sorrow that fills our hearts at this time, I hasten to Inform you that our Dear brother Delass is dead he died one week ago this morning at half past two O,Clock the 16th of this month we were looking for him home when we received a letter from his nurse stating that his recovery was doubtful Milo and Lib Started the next day it was Sunday a week ago yesterday they started From your Affectionate Sister Mary E Franklin
Civil War Diaries and Letters