Marcellus W. Darling letters, 1865-1892
1865-03-01-Page 01
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March the 14 Dear Son I again seat my self to address you a few lines all though so far a way from you are not absent from my mind a single hour O where are you this plesant day I wish I could know it is a long time since we have hurd from you the last letter that we recievd was dated the 30 of January but we see by the papers that your are on a long march we do not get any news from shermans army onley by rebel Sources the rebs say that there is a large army concentrating in front of Shermans and will destroy his whole army but we do not believe all they say I think you have got letters before this time that your poor brother is dead O what Sad news it must be to you as it was to us all it seems to me that I have never recovered from that dreadful shock it seems that I can here his moans and groans ringing in my ears if I could have hurd him say one word if it were onely to say farwell O how I could dwell upon that word how mutch it would my sorrows check
March the 14 Dear Son I again seat my self to address you a few lines all though so far a way from you are not absent from my mind a single hour O where are you this plesant day I wish I could know it is a long time since we have hurd from you the last letter that we recievd was dated the 30 of January but we see by the papers that your are on a long march we do not get any news from shermans army onley by rebel Sources the rebs say that there is a large army concentrating in front of Shermans and will destroy his whole army but we do not believe all they say I think you have got letters before this time that your poor brother is dead O what Sad news it must be to you as it was to us all it seems to me that I have never recovered from that dreadful shock it seems that I can here his moans and groans ringing in my ears if I could have hurd him say one word if it were onely to say farwell O how I could dwell upon that word how mutch it would my sorrows check
Civil War Diaries and Letters