Marcellus W. Darling papers, 1864
03_1864-04-05-Page 01 letter 02
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Camp 154th N. Y. Vols Lookout Valley Tenn. Tuesday April 5th 1864 Dear Friends and relatives Not having much to do to day only to get my lesson, (it being so we shall not have any drill) I thought I would write and let you know how your friend in the Army is prospering, believing that it would not be an unwelcome message. I have not had a letter from home in some time but am looking every mail for one. I wrote home the 20th.of March and sent three dollars to have you send me a hat. I am anxious to hear if you received the letter and money all sound, Monroe and I packed up a Box and sent it to Cattaraugus March 24 I had an Overcoat and Shirt, I took it to Chattanooga and had it directed to John Carpenter I gave the receipt to Monroe and he sent It to his father, we thought he could send over by Ellis if he carries the mall now, we paid the freight here. my Overcoat was a very light one and had black lining, with the cuffs torn off and a white Shirt done up in the Coat (or wuld be white if it was washed clean.). Mother if you can use up any of these to advantage do so for I dont (Vertically, from bottom right:-) care much about them. (Vertically, from mid left:-) I see in the papers that the Rebel commissioner, (his name is Ould) has gone to Fortress Monroe to see General Butler in regard to the exchange of prisonors it said he brought a great many Books and papers and intends to make a new exchange of prisonors I hope they will I guess by the time you get this read you will think you have got reading enough for now, but I am in of a writing mood today Now Charley I shall expect to hear from you soon and all the news too from your Brother Cell C.D.D
Camp 154th N. Y. Vols Lookout Valley Tenn. Tuesday April 5th 1864 Dear Friends and relatives Not having much to do to day only to get my lesson, (it being so we shall not have any drill) I thought I would write and let you know how your friend in the Army is prospering, believing that it would not be an unwelcome message. I have not had a letter from home in some time but am looking every mail for one. I wrote home the 20th.of March and sent three dollars to have you send me a hat. I am anxious to hear if you received the letter and money all sound, Monroe and I packed up a Box and sent it to Cattaraugus March 24 I had an Overcoat and Shirt, I took it to Chattanooga and had it directed to John Carpenter I gave the receipt to Monroe and he sent It to his father, we thought he could send over by Ellis if he carries the mall now, we paid the freight here. my Overcoat was a very light one and had black lining, with the cuffs torn off and a white Shirt done up in the Coat (or wuld be white if it was washed clean.). Mother if you can use up any of these to advantage do so for I dont (Vertically, from bottom right:-) care much about them. (Vertically, from mid left:-) I see in the papers that the Rebel commissioner, (his name is Ould) has gone to Fortress Monroe to see General Butler in regard to the exchange of prisonors it said he brought a great many Books and papers and intends to make a new exchange of prisonors I hope they will I guess by the time you get this read you will think you have got reading enough for now, but I am in of a writing mood today Now Charley I shall expect to hear from you soon and all the news too from your Brother Cell C.D.D
Civil War Diaries and Letters