Marcellus W. Darling papers, 1864
1864-05-21-Page 01
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Camp 154th N.Y. Vols Near Kingston Ga Saturday May 21st. 1864 Dear Friends, I am very thankful to write you this morning and after passing through two severe battles I am well and all right I have written to you twice since we left Lookout Valley May 4th. the first time I wrote we were at Dug Gap and had been in a Battle there, but thanks to God I was spared while friends and comrades fell each side of me the first letter I wrote was the 9th. or 10th. and the first fight was Sunday the eighth. The second letter I wrote the 17th and sent it by Dr Van Arnam our surgeon, he went home on a furlough I hope you got both of these letters for I fear you have been worrying a great deal about me. of course you heard about the Army moving and was anxious to hear from us. but I have improved all the opertunities afforded us for writing knowing that you would be worrying about me. Now I will try and give you an accout of what we have been doing but can not enter into the particulars for it is a long story. The fourth about four Oclock P.M. we marched over the Mountain into the Valley by Chattanooga and encamped for the night, the fifth we marched towards Lee's Mills and encamped for the night the sixth we marched a little ways and encamped till (Vertically, at top left of page:-) Well the ball play is over and the last one was with minie balls cannon balls such as I dont like very much. We beat the Rebels in the game and the news is that Grant [Scinnked?] them in Va. George Mason was wounded and I am acting Orderly of our Co now I dont know when the mail will go out just will send this soon as I can I remain your Son M.W.D. Soldier (Vertically, at top right of page:-) Write often and how you are getting along
Camp 154th N.Y. Vols Near Kingston Ga Saturday May 21st. 1864 Dear Friends, I am very thankful to write you this morning and after passing through two severe battles I am well and all right I have written to you twice since we left Lookout Valley May 4th. the first time I wrote we were at Dug Gap and had been in a Battle there, but thanks to God I was spared while friends and comrades fell each side of me the first letter I wrote was the 9th. or 10th. and the first fight was Sunday the eighth. The second letter I wrote the 17th and sent it by Dr Van Arnam our surgeon, he went home on a furlough I hope you got both of these letters for I fear you have been worrying a great deal about me. of course you heard about the Army moving and was anxious to hear from us. but I have improved all the opertunities afforded us for writing knowing that you would be worrying about me. Now I will try and give you an accout of what we have been doing but can not enter into the particulars for it is a long story. The fourth about four Oclock P.M. we marched over the Mountain into the Valley by Chattanooga and encamped for the night, the fifth we marched towards Lee's Mills and encamped for the night the sixth we marched a little ways and encamped till (Vertically, at top left of page:-) Well the ball play is over and the last one was with minie balls cannon balls such as I dont like very much. We beat the Rebels in the game and the news is that Grant [Scinnked?] them in Va. George Mason was wounded and I am acting Orderly of our Co now I dont know when the mail will go out just will send this soon as I can I remain your Son M.W.D. Soldier (Vertically, at top right of page:-) Write often and how you are getting along
Civil War Diaries and Letters