Marcellus W. Darling papers, 1864
1864-06-24-Page 01
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Well and with the Regt Camp 154 th N.Y.V. In Field Friday June 24th,, 1864 Dear Friends I improve the opertunity this pleasant morning of writing a few lines to let you know that I am well and still with the Regt,, I have received your kind letter of June 5th,, and was glad to hear from you you can bet high. I shall have to tell you of an other fight that the 154th,, has been engaged in that took place the 15th,, of June, but I was not in for the day before the fight I was sent to the Division hospital sick and remained there till the 19th,, I believe I was taken with the Diarheoa and was uncomfortably bad off for four or five days but now I am well again and doing duty, the loss of the Regiment on the 15th was 24 and the 16th,, 2, one of them was Capt Crosby formerly our Adjutant, of this number three were killed and one since died of wound, besides Capt Crosby there was Lt Barnhart wounded, our Co did not loose any we have been very fortunate so far on this Campaign only one wounded in this fight our boys had the fun of chacing them about a mile. The Regiment is very small now but what there is of it is good ones. I got a letter from John the other day he thought they were doing big things in Va. but did not mention a thing about as we had done anything I shall write to him soon as I can get time, we do not have much time now to write, we lay in the rifle pits now and are not allowed to go off a great ways for we some expect the rebes to come and attact us if they do they will get a warm reception I'll bet. It is very warm here now days, we are not far from Marietta Ga. (Upside-down, at head of page:-) Charles Darling [fellopes Sincite?] Leon [dister?] [Callarallgus?] C C Mr James M Carpenter Chattanooga Po Tennessee
Well and with the Regt Camp 154 th N.Y.V. In Field Friday June 24th,, 1864 Dear Friends I improve the opertunity this pleasant morning of writing a few lines to let you know that I am well and still with the Regt,, I have received your kind letter of June 5th,, and was glad to hear from you you can bet high. I shall have to tell you of an other fight that the 154th,, has been engaged in that took place the 15th,, of June, but I was not in for the day before the fight I was sent to the Division hospital sick and remained there till the 19th,, I believe I was taken with the Diarheoa and was uncomfortably bad off for four or five days but now I am well again and doing duty, the loss of the Regiment on the 15th was 24 and the 16th,, 2, one of them was Capt Crosby formerly our Adjutant, of this number three were killed and one since died of wound, besides Capt Crosby there was Lt Barnhart wounded, our Co did not loose any we have been very fortunate so far on this Campaign only one wounded in this fight our boys had the fun of chacing them about a mile. The Regiment is very small now but what there is of it is good ones. I got a letter from John the other day he thought they were doing big things in Va. but did not mention a thing about as we had done anything I shall write to him soon as I can get time, we do not have much time now to write, we lay in the rifle pits now and are not allowed to go off a great ways for we some expect the rebes to come and attact us if they do they will get a warm reception I'll bet. It is very warm here now days, we are not far from Marietta Ga. (Upside-down, at head of page:-) Charles Darling [fellopes Sincite?] Leon [dister?] [Callarallgus?] C C Mr James M Carpenter Chattanooga Po Tennessee
Civil War Diaries and Letters