Marcellus W. Darling papers, January, March 1865
1865-01-04-Page 01
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(U.S. Christian Commission letterhead) General Sherman's Army, 154th,, N Y V Regt. 2nd,, Div. 20th,, Army Corps. Savannah Ga Jan 4th,, I865. Dear Friends I am once more seated at the desk to write you a few lines to let you know that I am well and enjoying City life right well. Our Division is doing provost duty in the City and Genl,, Geary is in command of the Post. I think if Genl,, Geary continues in command. that we shall remain here to garrison the Town, at least I hope so for it is much better to lay in Camp with plenty of rations than to he marching all around over the whole confederacy
(U.S. Christian Commission letterhead) General Sherman's Army, 154th,, N Y V Regt. 2nd,, Div. 20th,, Army Corps. Savannah Ga Jan 4th,, I865. Dear Friends I am once more seated at the desk to write you a few lines to let you know that I am well and enjoying City life right well. Our Division is doing provost duty in the City and Genl,, Geary is in command of the Post. I think if Genl,, Geary continues in command. that we shall remain here to garrison the Town, at least I hope so for it is much better to lay in Camp with plenty of rations than to he marching all around over the whole confederacy
Civil War Diaries and Letters