Andrew F. Davis papers, May-December 1861
03_1861-05-09-Page 03
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grumbling, I got a letter from Newton today. Tell him if he wants to send any thing to me by Express to D. H. it but not to send any thing until we change our quarters. he wanted to know what kind of quarters we have here and I will say that we as good and I think the best quarters in the camp as it is on high ground and in the centre of the camp so that we can see every part of the grounds. I expect you would like to know if get homesick or lonesome I will say I have not had time to get lonesome but I want to see the folks at home. Tell Rilly and Nan, to keep cool for I am comeing nearder home so that if they can see me evry few days, We will be kept on duty for at least three monts and then I expect we will be sent home on what is called half pay and be ready to obey the call of the govenor at any time for one year We have not been examined yet but expect to be this evening. I do not think
grumbling, I got a letter from Newton today. Tell him if he wants to send any thing to me by Express to D. H. it but not to send any thing until we change our quarters. he wanted to know what kind of quarters we have here and I will say that we as good and I think the best quarters in the camp as it is on high ground and in the centre of the camp so that we can see every part of the grounds. I expect you would like to know if get homesick or lonesome I will say I have not had time to get lonesome but I want to see the folks at home. Tell Rilly and Nan, to keep cool for I am comeing nearder home so that if they can see me evry few days, We will be kept on duty for at least three monts and then I expect we will be sent home on what is called half pay and be ready to obey the call of the govenor at any time for one year We have not been examined yet but expect to be this evening. I do not think
Civil War Diaries and Letters