Andrew F. Davis papers, 1862
03_1862-01-02-Page 03
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As regards the Christmas dinner spoken of I was not invited nor did I ever hear of it until after you mentioned it and then I mad some enquiry in regard to the matter and about all there was of it is this . the Major bought some Oysters &c and took them to a house and ordered them cooked and come over and invited the Col to go help eat them. but the Col. had a dinner on hand himself somewhere in the neighborhood and he said that they must go and eat his dinner So they went and did not come back until night and when they did come I do not think they could have told dinner from Supper. Consequently the Majors dinner was not eat at all, but all of that is none of my buisness. so I will drop the subject; I hope the black cloud of war is not so lowering as a great many suppose as I do not think England or France either will interfere in our home quarrell so much as to involve themselves in a war with us but if such is their determination I think Uncle Sam will find time to give them a good drubbing while he is Spanking his own unruly children It would be considerable of an undertaking I will admit but it will be like the turkey setting on the peck of eggs, it will give him a chance to spread himself I think we had not better take any of more of Hollingsworths lots at present. If he does not sell before Spring I may buy 1 or 2 more if I can get it to suit me I do not know how soon we will get our pay. We have the pay rolls all ready and I think the pay master will be along between this and the 13th Tell mother that there was letter come to camp last night to Lieut Gardner stating that Uncle Andrew Fosters wife was dead. I say Hurrah for Couzin Eliza Dubois. I am too sleepy to finish this to night so I will go to bed and finish the other side before mail time in the moring
As regards the Christmas dinner spoken of I was not invited nor did I ever hear of it until after you mentioned it and then I mad some enquiry in regard to the matter and about all there was of it is this . the Major bought some Oysters &c and took them to a house and ordered them cooked and come over and invited the Col to go help eat them. but the Col. had a dinner on hand himself somewhere in the neighborhood and he said that they must go and eat his dinner So they went and did not come back until night and when they did come I do not think they could have told dinner from Supper. Consequently the Majors dinner was not eat at all, but all of that is none of my buisness. so I will drop the subject; I hope the black cloud of war is not so lowering as a great many suppose as I do not think England or France either will interfere in our home quarrell so much as to involve themselves in a war with us but if such is their determination I think Uncle Sam will find time to give them a good drubbing while he is Spanking his own unruly children It would be considerable of an undertaking I will admit but it will be like the turkey setting on the peck of eggs, it will give him a chance to spread himself I think we had not better take any of more of Hollingsworths lots at present. If he does not sell before Spring I may buy 1 or 2 more if I can get it to suit me I do not know how soon we will get our pay. We have the pay rolls all ready and I think the pay master will be along between this and the 13th Tell mother that there was letter come to camp last night to Lieut Gardner stating that Uncle Andrew Fosters wife was dead. I say Hurrah for Couzin Eliza Dubois. I am too sleepy to finish this to night so I will go to bed and finish the other side before mail time in the moring
Civil War Diaries and Letters