Andrew F. Davis papers, 1862
15_1862-01-14-Page 01
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Camp Wickliff Ky Jan 14th 1862 Mrs Sarah Davis Dear Wife Yours of the 10th. inst come to hand this evening and I hasten to answer it. I am well and as hearty as I ever was in my life I was verry sorry to hear of the sickness of our dear little babe but I hope eere this that it is well again I wrote you a letter 6 or 8 days since which I see you had not received when you last. wrote in which I stated that we had the small pox in our company. We are still in the woods where we ware sent with the sick but I expect we will go back to the camp in a day or two as none of the rest of us have any symptoms of taking it. There was another case sent to us yesterday from Co. D. of our Reg. Dr Mussey told me yesterday that he was going to hunt a place that would be suitable for to send all the small pox cases together and as soon as he found such a place then we might go back to camp. There is cases of it in other Regiments as well as the 15th. There is more or less sickness in all the Regiments that are in this camp. There are a great many complaining in our Regiment but if they ware at home nearly evry one of them would be at work, but here they play sick to keep clar of duty. but there is considerable complaint among the Cooks for they say that the more there is on the sick list the more cooking there is to do There is considerable complaint of sore eyes in our Reg. which I think is caused by being so much in the smoke as the tents are verry smoky where they have not got Stoves. Our company have all sent for Stoves for their tents and will have them in a day or two. which will be quite an
Camp Wickliff Ky Jan 14th 1862 Mrs Sarah Davis Dear Wife Yours of the 10th. inst come to hand this evening and I hasten to answer it. I am well and as hearty as I ever was in my life I was verry sorry to hear of the sickness of our dear little babe but I hope eere this that it is well again I wrote you a letter 6 or 8 days since which I see you had not received when you last. wrote in which I stated that we had the small pox in our company. We are still in the woods where we ware sent with the sick but I expect we will go back to the camp in a day or two as none of the rest of us have any symptoms of taking it. There was another case sent to us yesterday from Co. D. of our Reg. Dr Mussey told me yesterday that he was going to hunt a place that would be suitable for to send all the small pox cases together and as soon as he found such a place then we might go back to camp. There is cases of it in other Regiments as well as the 15th. There is more or less sickness in all the Regiments that are in this camp. There are a great many complaining in our Regiment but if they ware at home nearly evry one of them would be at work, but here they play sick to keep clar of duty. but there is considerable complaint among the Cooks for they say that the more there is on the sick list the more cooking there is to do There is considerable complaint of sore eyes in our Reg. which I think is caused by being so much in the smoke as the tents are verry smoky where they have not got Stoves. Our company have all sent for Stoves for their tents and will have them in a day or two. which will be quite an
Civil War Diaries and Letters