Andrew F. Davis papers, 1862
19_1862-01-22-Page 01
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Camp Wickliff Ky. Jan 22nd,, 1862 Mrs Sarah Davis Dear wife This will make the fourth letter I have written since I have any from you. I wrote 2 to you before this and one to Orrilla and have been expecting one from for the last 5 or 6 days and have delayed writing on that account but as there was none come in tonights mail I thought I would write and let you know that I am yet liveing and have not forgotten that I have a beloved family at home. My health is good as usual with the exception (as Dick Walls would say) of a verry bad cold and sore throat but I am able to be on duty regular which is more than a large majority of the Regiment can say, as about (4/5) four fifths of both Officers and men are reported on the sick list. The general complaint is Colds and Diahroea with few cases of Fever and two cases of Small pox. A great many are not as sick as they let on to be but only pretending for the purpose of getting clear of duty. A. J. Calkins is quite sick in the Hospital with fever but is getting better now and I think will soon be well. There is in all seven cases of Small pox in the brigade or division. as I said before 2 of them belong to this Reg. but where the others belong I do not know. They are all about a mile from the camp in the woods. and there has been no new cases within the last 6 or 7 days and I think and hope that it will spread no further as the Doctor is taking evry precaution in his power to keep it within the bounds of its present locality. I have written so much since I have heard from you that I do not know what to write about that will interrest you as news is verry scarce here. I received a letter from your Father this evening which was written on the 20th inst. only 2 days since He has no news of importance to write only he appears to think it is a going to be hard work for him to make a liveing in his old
Camp Wickliff Ky. Jan 22nd,, 1862 Mrs Sarah Davis Dear wife This will make the fourth letter I have written since I have any from you. I wrote 2 to you before this and one to Orrilla and have been expecting one from for the last 5 or 6 days and have delayed writing on that account but as there was none come in tonights mail I thought I would write and let you know that I am yet liveing and have not forgotten that I have a beloved family at home. My health is good as usual with the exception (as Dick Walls would say) of a verry bad cold and sore throat but I am able to be on duty regular which is more than a large majority of the Regiment can say, as about (4/5) four fifths of both Officers and men are reported on the sick list. The general complaint is Colds and Diahroea with few cases of Fever and two cases of Small pox. A great many are not as sick as they let on to be but only pretending for the purpose of getting clear of duty. A. J. Calkins is quite sick in the Hospital with fever but is getting better now and I think will soon be well. There is in all seven cases of Small pox in the brigade or division. as I said before 2 of them belong to this Reg. but where the others belong I do not know. They are all about a mile from the camp in the woods. and there has been no new cases within the last 6 or 7 days and I think and hope that it will spread no further as the Doctor is taking evry precaution in his power to keep it within the bounds of its present locality. I have written so much since I have heard from you that I do not know what to write about that will interrest you as news is verry scarce here. I received a letter from your Father this evening which was written on the 20th inst. only 2 days since He has no news of importance to write only he appears to think it is a going to be hard work for him to make a liveing in his old
Civil War Diaries and Letters