Andrew F. Davis papers, 1862
22_1862-01-22-Page 04
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Louisville. All those that are sick for any length of time are now sent there as there is no room for them nearer, About 20 of this Regiment have been sent back but none that you know. We can get the Louisville dailey papers here evry day now so that we are not so much behind the times we have been heretofore. I see that A.J. Calkins has been corresponding for the Herald but in one thing he is mistaken and that is in regard to the number of men now belonging to the Regiment. He says that there are only 500 now in the Regiment while the true number is 900 or near that, Cap Patterson I fear has got himself into some trouble by abuseing the Chaplain while he (Patterson) was drunk. The Chaplain has brought charges against him and demands a Court Martial and if the matter is fully investigated it may go hard with him. Lieut McKinney has not returned yet. His time was out 3 days since but we have heard nothing from him. I am sorry to say that our Company is verry much demoralized as the greater part of them do not like or respect the Captain consequently they do not obey him and the result will finally be that they will go to the devil unless he changes his course; and the matter has gone so far now that it will be hard for him to ever get them under proper controll again I see that Wm. Van is not verry favorably impressed with our present administration but I see there is a change being made in the Cabinet and I hope the change will be for the better and that the campaign will be more vigorously prosecuted. I believe that before spring the different divisions of the army will make forward movements and It would not surprise me if the Rebellion would be crushed in all its main points before the first of May next, but even if that should be the case it will some time before the country will become peaceable again for the goverment will have to keep quite a large Army in the field to enforce the laws., Well the sheet is about full and it is nearly 9 Oclock so I must Stop and get this in the Office before the mail Starts Give my respects to all. Kiss the children for me and tell Orrilla she must keep writing to me and I will answer them as often as I can. No more but Write your affectionate husband A.F.Davis
Louisville. All those that are sick for any length of time are now sent there as there is no room for them nearer, About 20 of this Regiment have been sent back but none that you know. We can get the Louisville dailey papers here evry day now so that we are not so much behind the times we have been heretofore. I see that A.J. Calkins has been corresponding for the Herald but in one thing he is mistaken and that is in regard to the number of men now belonging to the Regiment. He says that there are only 500 now in the Regiment while the true number is 900 or near that, Cap Patterson I fear has got himself into some trouble by abuseing the Chaplain while he (Patterson) was drunk. The Chaplain has brought charges against him and demands a Court Martial and if the matter is fully investigated it may go hard with him. Lieut McKinney has not returned yet. His time was out 3 days since but we have heard nothing from him. I am sorry to say that our Company is verry much demoralized as the greater part of them do not like or respect the Captain consequently they do not obey him and the result will finally be that they will go to the devil unless he changes his course; and the matter has gone so far now that it will be hard for him to ever get them under proper controll again I see that Wm. Van is not verry favorably impressed with our present administration but I see there is a change being made in the Cabinet and I hope the change will be for the better and that the campaign will be more vigorously prosecuted. I believe that before spring the different divisions of the army will make forward movements and It would not surprise me if the Rebellion would be crushed in all its main points before the first of May next, but even if that should be the case it will some time before the country will become peaceable again for the goverment will have to keep quite a large Army in the field to enforce the laws., Well the sheet is about full and it is nearly 9 Oclock so I must Stop and get this in the Office before the mail Starts Give my respects to all. Kiss the children for me and tell Orrilla she must keep writing to me and I will answer them as often as I can. No more but Write your affectionate husband A.F.Davis
Civil War Diaries and Letters