Andrew F. Davis papers, 1862
08_1862-08-11-Page 04
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Dont undertake to send for me on any account for if you was lying dead I could not get to come to your funeral without going without leave and then I would be reported as a deserter. If you see and read Gen Popes answer to Capt Harrison on that subject which is published in the papers, you will see how the matter Stands. It seems hard but in such cases, the innocent have to suffer for the conduct of the guilty, and it is presumed that if a man voluntarily offers his Services to his country at this trying hour, his country is entitled to his services before anything els. God knows I want to see you and the children bad enough but now I do not even anticipate the time when I will be able to come. I do not intend to come until I can come honorably, if it is not until June 1864, but I hope our seperation will not be defered but a few months longer. Lieut Foster of our Regt was at Nashville sick 2 or 3 weeks since or at least let on to be sick - and took advantage of his absence from his Regt to go home for 4 days. When he come back he was put under arrest. While he was gone his Captain resigned and had he been at his post, he would now have been Captain of his company but he is cut out of that and in all probability will be mustered out of the service in disgrace, and should such prove to be the case you know it is not only a disgrace to himself but a disgrace to his children for unborn generations. Therefore what is a few months seperation compared to such a Stigma on ones name. The Deed you Spoke of, I recollect making and it lay in the office for a long time, and I think it was left in the right hand drawer of the office table. I received a letter from Ferman yesterday and will answer it soon. This sheet is now about full therefore I will have to Stop for the present. Direct to Tullahoma Tenn. your affectionate Husband A. F. Davis (I forgot to Say I am in excellent health)
Dont undertake to send for me on any account for if you was lying dead I could not get to come to your funeral without going without leave and then I would be reported as a deserter. If you see and read Gen Popes answer to Capt Harrison on that subject which is published in the papers, you will see how the matter Stands. It seems hard but in such cases, the innocent have to suffer for the conduct of the guilty, and it is presumed that if a man voluntarily offers his Services to his country at this trying hour, his country is entitled to his services before anything els. God knows I want to see you and the children bad enough but now I do not even anticipate the time when I will be able to come. I do not intend to come until I can come honorably, if it is not until June 1864, but I hope our seperation will not be defered but a few months longer. Lieut Foster of our Regt was at Nashville sick 2 or 3 weeks since or at least let on to be sick - and took advantage of his absence from his Regt to go home for 4 days. When he come back he was put under arrest. While he was gone his Captain resigned and had he been at his post, he would now have been Captain of his company but he is cut out of that and in all probability will be mustered out of the service in disgrace, and should such prove to be the case you know it is not only a disgrace to himself but a disgrace to his children for unborn generations. Therefore what is a few months seperation compared to such a Stigma on ones name. The Deed you Spoke of, I recollect making and it lay in the office for a long time, and I think it was left in the right hand drawer of the office table. I received a letter from Ferman yesterday and will answer it soon. This sheet is now about full therefore I will have to Stop for the present. Direct to Tullahoma Tenn. your affectionate Husband A. F. Davis (I forgot to Say I am in excellent health)
Civil War Diaries and Letters