Andrew F. Davis papers, 1862
19_1862-11-29-Page 03
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This country is almost entirely cleaned out of vegetables of all Kinds and it is very hard to get hold of potatoes or apples or anything of the Kind now for the soldiers have been here so long that evrithing is cleaned out. It is a hard time on the citizens particularly the poor in Nashville for no one is allowed to go in from the country with Supplies of any Kind and the river and R.R. both being closed for so long, the consequence is almost Starvation for many of them. But they can blame no one but themselves for they voted for us to come down here and here we are and here we will Stay until they come to their Senses, which I think will be before many months longer for I think they will soon begin to See that Uncle Sams favorite Son Abe is getting in earnest and does not want to play with them any longer. I See many extracts from Southern papers lately and by them it appears that many in the South are becomeing very much discouraged, and want to quit. The way poor Bragg gets it for not whipping Buell in Kentuck is Sinful while we are Court Martialing Buell for not whipping Bragg, So it goes. I presume no doubt but what the people in Indiana are getting very impatient because Rosecrans is not moveing forward. If you hear any one making any such complaints just tell them for me that if they Know any way that a large army can advance in the enemys country without Supplies then his Knowledge would be of vast importance to Gen Halleck and he should not loose a minute in reporting himself at Washington and laying his plans before the proper authoraties and not stay at home grumbling about something which he Knows nothing about
This country is almost entirely cleaned out of vegetables of all Kinds and it is very hard to get hold of potatoes or apples or anything of the Kind now for the soldiers have been here so long that evrithing is cleaned out. It is a hard time on the citizens particularly the poor in Nashville for no one is allowed to go in from the country with Supplies of any Kind and the river and R.R. both being closed for so long, the consequence is almost Starvation for many of them. But they can blame no one but themselves for they voted for us to come down here and here we are and here we will Stay until they come to their Senses, which I think will be before many months longer for I think they will soon begin to See that Uncle Sams favorite Son Abe is getting in earnest and does not want to play with them any longer. I See many extracts from Southern papers lately and by them it appears that many in the South are becomeing very much discouraged, and want to quit. The way poor Bragg gets it for not whipping Buell in Kentuck is Sinful while we are Court Martialing Buell for not whipping Bragg, So it goes. I presume no doubt but what the people in Indiana are getting very impatient because Rosecrans is not moveing forward. If you hear any one making any such complaints just tell them for me that if they Know any way that a large army can advance in the enemys country without Supplies then his Knowledge would be of vast importance to Gen Halleck and he should not loose a minute in reporting himself at Washington and laying his plans before the proper authoraties and not stay at home grumbling about something which he Knows nothing about
Civil War Diaries and Letters