Andrew F. Davis papers, January-October 1863
09_1863-06-12-Page 01
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Murfreesboro Tenn June 12. 1863 Mrs Sarah Davis My dear wife Yours of the 9th inst come to hand today and found me in excellent health and oh how glad I would be if it had left you the same as it found me but I am sorry to have to acknowledge to my self that such is not the case and oh will it ever be so. I was both pained and surprised at the acknowledgements which you make in regard to your health as I was led to believe by the tenor of your letters which you wrote to me after you returned from your fathers this spring that you had almost if not entirely regained your health but oh, how sadly I was mistaken. But it is so and we will have to do the best we can. I intend to come home as soon as I can and if I cannot get home one way I will come another. Mr. Casterline told me this evening that he got a letter from Anna yesterday which was written the 5 inst and she stated in that that she had just received a dispatched from Thom and that he was well and all right. so I hope that the report about his being badly wounded is false. I hope so at least for the country needs all such men now. I am sorry to hear that James McManus has had the misfortune to loose his leg but such is the fortunes of war and them that fights expects to be shot.
Murfreesboro Tenn June 12. 1863 Mrs Sarah Davis My dear wife Yours of the 9th inst come to hand today and found me in excellent health and oh how glad I would be if it had left you the same as it found me but I am sorry to have to acknowledge to my self that such is not the case and oh will it ever be so. I was both pained and surprised at the acknowledgements which you make in regard to your health as I was led to believe by the tenor of your letters which you wrote to me after you returned from your fathers this spring that you had almost if not entirely regained your health but oh, how sadly I was mistaken. But it is so and we will have to do the best we can. I intend to come home as soon as I can and if I cannot get home one way I will come another. Mr. Casterline told me this evening that he got a letter from Anna yesterday which was written the 5 inst and she stated in that that she had just received a dispatched from Thom and that he was well and all right. so I hope that the report about his being badly wounded is false. I hope so at least for the country needs all such men now. I am sorry to hear that James McManus has had the misfortune to loose his leg but such is the fortunes of war and them that fights expects to be shot.
Civil War Diaries and Letters