Andrew F. Davis papers, January-October 1863
07_1863-09-21-Page 03
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in that respect they are a head of us. Several Batterries was captured and recaptured from 3 to 6 times. I blush to Say it but nevertheless it is true that one Brigade of our (Crittendens) Corps behaved most badly as they broke and run almost without fireing a gun They belonged to VanCleaves Division and is composed of the 44th and 86 Ind and the 51st Ohio, & 17 Ken The Same Brigade acted most disgracefully at Stones River. In their Stampede they run through Gen Wood Division and had they not been as true as Steel and Commanded by one of the best men (namely Gen Wood) that ever wore Epalets they would have also been demoralized but thank God they Stood firm and are now at their post doing their duty while Vancleaves whole Division is now lying in camp all arond the fort which we (the 15) occupy. And a More Sneaking hang dog looking Set of men I never Saw. And even Some of their Officers let the privates of the 15 Call them Cowards and will not resent it.
in that respect they are a head of us. Several Batterries was captured and recaptured from 3 to 6 times. I blush to Say it but nevertheless it is true that one Brigade of our (Crittendens) Corps behaved most badly as they broke and run almost without fireing a gun They belonged to VanCleaves Division and is composed of the 44th and 86 Ind and the 51st Ohio, & 17 Ken The Same Brigade acted most disgracefully at Stones River. In their Stampede they run through Gen Wood Division and had they not been as true as Steel and Commanded by one of the best men (namely Gen Wood) that ever wore Epalets they would have also been demoralized but thank God they Stood firm and are now at their post doing their duty while Vancleaves whole Division is now lying in camp all arond the fort which we (the 15) occupy. And a More Sneaking hang dog looking Set of men I never Saw. And even Some of their Officers let the privates of the 15 Call them Cowards and will not resent it.
Civil War Diaries and Letters