Mann family letters, 1851-1956
1861-09-29-Page 02
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Lieut Guilee preeched time passed away we traveled on a great many things hapened to tedious to mention the next thing I have to tell you is we are in Camp I, got here the 19th I am now siting in the tent it is Sunday morning and is raining. we are all well. while I am writting Scott is called to go on guard I gave him my blanket. we are 2 mi from town in a grove there has been about 3000 men here at one tim there was one regiment called up at mid night to go south. there was another moved 2 mi to another Camp your Father got here the 21st I was glad to see him he is here yet and dont know when he will go home he has not sold his horses yet. We have not been
Lieut Guilee preeched time passed away we traveled on a great many things hapened to tedious to mention the next thing I have to tell you is we are in Camp I, got here the 19th I am now siting in the tent it is Sunday morning and is raining. we are all well. while I am writting Scott is called to go on guard I gave him my blanket. we are 2 mi from town in a grove there has been about 3000 men here at one tim there was one regiment called up at mid night to go south. there was another moved 2 mi to another Camp your Father got here the 21st I was glad to see him he is here yet and dont know when he will go home he has not sold his horses yet. We have not been
Civil War Diaries and Letters