Mann family letters, 1851-1956
1863-04-01-Page 02
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but until this winter we have been near other regiments where there was preaching. I have just been reading the Mo. Democrat of the 24th of March in which is the evidence of Col Whitman before the Court of enquiry on the cotton trade - he may have told the truth but if he did not know these things it was because he would not - I know that one of Hurtigs aids offered me five dollars for every Bail of Cotton I would send him - and I know that I took Government teams (by order of my superiors) and hawled cotton to town for privit individuals - and I know that I caried in my pocket permit from Gen Hurtig for a man that did not claim to be loyal to sell cotton - but Col Whitman one of his aides may not have knowen of any officer dealing in Cotton. My oppinion is that unless they take disinterested witnesses they had just as well stop - but I supose that they will make all appear Cleare and there has been no speculation in cotton by army officers. A short time ago a scoutt was out for four days they could not cary meet with them and they went to a noted rebble by the of McNulty and took some meet he sent his wife in to town and old Gorman who commands here gave a voucher for the meet - and order our Division Comisary to deduct the amount out of our rations for this month
but until this winter we have been near other regiments where there was preaching. I have just been reading the Mo. Democrat of the 24th of March in which is the evidence of Col Whitman before the Court of enquiry on the cotton trade - he may have told the truth but if he did not know these things it was because he would not - I know that one of Hurtigs aids offered me five dollars for every Bail of Cotton I would send him - and I know that I took Government teams (by order of my superiors) and hawled cotton to town for privit individuals - and I know that I caried in my pocket permit from Gen Hurtig for a man that did not claim to be loyal to sell cotton - but Col Whitman one of his aides may not have knowen of any officer dealing in Cotton. My oppinion is that unless they take disinterested witnesses they had just as well stop - but I supose that they will make all appear Cleare and there has been no speculation in cotton by army officers. A short time ago a scoutt was out for four days they could not cary meet with them and they went to a noted rebble by the of McNulty and took some meet he sent his wife in to town and old Gorman who commands here gave a voucher for the meet - and order our Division Comisary to deduct the amount out of our rations for this month
Civil War Diaries and Letters