Robert J. Moyle letters, 1862-1906
01_1864-03-24 Page 01
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Camp at Wood Hill Ala March 27 /64 Dear Mother As I was writing to father I thought I would write you a few lines also Mother I am sorry to hear that you are sick but hope you will soon be well again if not I trust in god you are prepared for the consequences I trust Mother you are living as becomes all christians preparing for a heavenly rest at the end of this short pilgrimage here on earth Mother I cannot help impressing the duties of religion on you it is a consolation and comfort in the hour of trouble I know it, Mother it was to me when I lay on the bed of affliction and did not expect to recover but god in his mercies restored me to health for which I am thankful and with his help trust to live in according to his precepts and examples dear Mother I hope this is your determination and when it comes ours to quit this tennament of clay that we may be taken home to heaven where sickness and Sorrow are no more this is my earnest prayer. Mother write soon as you can and let me know how your are getting along and may god in his mercies [?] father & protect yous from all [?] and spare us all to meet again
Camp at Wood Hill Ala March 27 /64 Dear Mother As I was writing to father I thought I would write you a few lines also Mother I am sorry to hear that you are sick but hope you will soon be well again if not I trust in god you are prepared for the consequences I trust Mother you are living as becomes all christians preparing for a heavenly rest at the end of this short pilgrimage here on earth Mother I cannot help impressing the duties of religion on you it is a consolation and comfort in the hour of trouble I know it, Mother it was to me when I lay on the bed of affliction and did not expect to recover but god in his mercies restored me to health for which I am thankful and with his help trust to live in according to his precepts and examples dear Mother I hope this is your determination and when it comes ours to quit this tennament of clay that we may be taken home to heaven where sickness and Sorrow are no more this is my earnest prayer. Mother write soon as you can and let me know how your are getting along and may god in his mercies [?] father & protect yous from all [?] and spare us all to meet again
Civil War Diaries and Letters