Paisley family diary, 1864
04_1864-05-09 -- 1864-05-11
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MONDAY, MAY 9, 1864. Up at daylight - Breakfasted and drew two days Rations with what we had already in our haversacks making 4 days Rations and at same time drew one days forage. Received the Report of our success on the Potomac, grazed our horses about 8 O'Clock in good clover. About one per day gives out, and we have to abandon them, keept moving from point to point and as we are the only Cav. here to my knowledge they have to take great care and not work us down, We do Scouting, Picketing, Patrolling, Carrying of dispatches &c. &c. The Country seems to be very well supplied in the way of Fowls and meat and at last we are suffered to go for them with impunity Halted about three in the afternoon when I took sick with some kind of a fever and did not rest any for one night we are now in the advance of the Right wing TUESDAY 19 Am so unwell have to Ride in the Ambulance. Fever Broken am I quite weak - as I am quite Stupid know but little about the advance although am of the opinion that we have almost flanked the Rebs Left wing and they are preparing to make a dash on us we are now busy throwing up breast works commanding a gape through which they must come to attack us, or make their escape with their trains our Right and left wings have almost doubled on themselves and we either have the Rebs Bagged or the Will do desperate fighting and drive us back our Genls are taking all precautions imaginable WEDNESDAY 11 Remain in Ambulance all night am doing well Revelle about day Light the Enemy about 5 miles distant we then fall back either to draw him after us out of his entrenchments or so as not to bring on an engagement while we are swinging around one flank so as to gobble them up - Suppose we only fell back about 4 miles and then unsaddled and remained in that Condition all day am free of pain but languid and sleep all the time. This day is Cool had a heavy shower of Rain last night. Remained as we halted all night, with the exceptions of scout and Pickets being sent out. Lt Campbell had charge of a picket and having 6 men with him on a patrolling expedition was attacked by about 20 Rebs Campbell Fired his Carbines advanced Fired their Pistols and then Charged and beat his way through only one man being badly wounded
MONDAY, MAY 9, 1864. Up at daylight - Breakfasted and drew two days Rations with what we had already in our haversacks making 4 days Rations and at same time drew one days forage. Received the Report of our success on the Potomac, grazed our horses about 8 O'Clock in good clover. About one per day gives out, and we have to abandon them, keept moving from point to point and as we are the only Cav. here to my knowledge they have to take great care and not work us down, We do Scouting, Picketing, Patrolling, Carrying of dispatches &c. &c. The Country seems to be very well supplied in the way of Fowls and meat and at last we are suffered to go for them with impunity Halted about three in the afternoon when I took sick with some kind of a fever and did not rest any for one night we are now in the advance of the Right wing TUESDAY 19 Am so unwell have to Ride in the Ambulance. Fever Broken am I quite weak - as I am quite Stupid know but little about the advance although am of the opinion that we have almost flanked the Rebs Left wing and they are preparing to make a dash on us we are now busy throwing up breast works commanding a gape through which they must come to attack us, or make their escape with their trains our Right and left wings have almost doubled on themselves and we either have the Rebs Bagged or the Will do desperate fighting and drive us back our Genls are taking all precautions imaginable WEDNESDAY 11 Remain in Ambulance all night am doing well Revelle about day Light the Enemy about 5 miles distant we then fall back either to draw him after us out of his entrenchments or so as not to bring on an engagement while we are swinging around one flank so as to gobble them up - Suppose we only fell back about 4 miles and then unsaddled and remained in that Condition all day am free of pain but languid and sleep all the time. This day is Cool had a heavy shower of Rain last night. Remained as we halted all night, with the exceptions of scout and Pickets being sent out. Lt Campbell had charge of a picket and having 6 men with him on a patrolling expedition was attacked by about 20 Rebs Campbell Fired his Carbines advanced Fired their Pistols and then Charged and beat his way through only one man being badly wounded
Civil War Diaries and Letters