Jacob Harrison Allspaugh diary, July-Nov. 1864
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away a few days ago and men were at work rebuilding it. Our Div stuck off through the woods and to save us we could not tell which way we were going. but think we bore south west, marching along the line of Rebel works, until 11 AM. when having made at best 8 miles we halt. The march was severe. Some companies brought in only 2 men. More then half the Brigade fell out by the way. Got dinner and at 4 & 5 the balance of Div moved past us
away a few days ago and men were at work rebuilding it. Our Div stuck off through the woods and to save us we could not tell which way we were going. but think we bore south west, marching along the line of Rebel works, until 11 AM. when having made at best 8 miles we halt. The march was severe. Some companies brought in only 2 men. More then half the Brigade fell out by the way. Got dinner and at 4 & 5 the balance of Div moved past us
Civil War Diaries and Letters