Jacob Harrison Allspaugh diary, September 1862-January 1863
1862-09-19 -- 1862-09-20
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7 Between six and seven hundred rebels were killed by the Ind boys before they surrendered, Having the advantage of stockades and earthworks, they lost only 13 killed and 30 wounded Wilder in command and Bragg surrounded them with 40000 men & artillery (See Cists history of Army of the Cumberland) 20 Sept The heaviest dew of the season fell last night wetting our blankets as thoroughly as if rained upon The nights are also getting quite cool, Boys all uncommon anxious to move upon the enemy, Heard heavy guns at intervals
7 Between six and seven hundred rebels were killed by the Ind boys before they surrendered, Having the advantage of stockades and earthworks, they lost only 13 killed and 30 wounded Wilder in command and Bragg surrounded them with 40000 men & artillery (See Cists history of Army of the Cumberland) 20 Sept The heaviest dew of the season fell last night wetting our blankets as thoroughly as if rained upon The nights are also getting quite cool, Boys all uncommon anxious to move upon the enemy, Heard heavy guns at intervals
Civil War Diaries and Letters