Oakes Ames and T.C. Durant correspondence, Boston, 1865-1869
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N. [Easton?] July 17. 1865 Mr Thos. C Durant Dear Sir I have paid Mr Lambards two drafts on you amounting to 30.000$ Mr John Bertram of Salem will take 25.000 in the Credit Mobelier for building the Pacific Rail Road and I can get some more [takers?] When will you send the notes of the Pacific Rail Road signed by Gen Dix & Mr Cisco to go with the bonds I took with me & when will you want the balance of the money. Mr Lambard is away expect him back tomorrow. I spoke to Mr Dillon when in N. York about Mr Chapman & himself going out & over the road and seeing
N. [Easton?] July 17. 1865 Mr Thos. C Durant Dear Sir I have paid Mr Lambards two drafts on you amounting to 30.000$ Mr John Bertram of Salem will take 25.000 in the Credit Mobelier for building the Pacific Rail Road and I can get some more [takers?] When will you send the notes of the Pacific Rail Road signed by Gen Dix & Mr Cisco to go with the bonds I took with me & when will you want the balance of the money. Mr Lambard is away expect him back tomorrow. I spoke to Mr Dillon when in N. York about Mr Chapman & himself going out & over the road and seeing
Building the Transcontinental Railroad