Oakes Ames and T.C. Durant correspondence, Boston, 1865-1869
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July 28/65 Boston July 27th 1865 T.C. Durant Esq Dear Sir I enclose you herewith your draft on me for $10.000 and a check for $355..29 being balance due you for U.P.R.R. [C?] note July 25th 4 mos for $11.000 - I will see what I can do for money to aid you this week - after Mr Williams gets back. I told Mr Lambard that he must pay you the balance he owes you on his note say about 7.000. I deduct it from his dft on you or send you a check for it Yours Truly Oakes Ames 11.000 - 4 m. 1 day at 10 per ct 369.71 1/2 [Curr?] 275 = 644.71 Dft of T.C.D. 10.000 Check 355.29 = 11.000 00
July 28/65 Boston July 27th 1865 T.C. Durant Esq Dear Sir I enclose you herewith your draft on me for $10.000 and a check for $355..29 being balance due you for U.P.R.R. [C?] note July 25th 4 mos for $11.000 - I will see what I can do for money to aid you this week - after Mr Williams gets back. I told Mr Lambard that he must pay you the balance he owes you on his note say about 7.000. I deduct it from his dft on you or send you a check for it Yours Truly Oakes Ames 11.000 - 4 m. 1 day at 10 per ct 369.71 1/2 [Curr?] 275 = 644.71 Dft of T.C.D. 10.000 Check 355.29 = 11.000 00
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