American Bureau of Mines correspodence and certificate, New York, 1866-1867
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Office of the Board of Experts of the American Bureau of Mines, New York, 4 Oct 1866. Dr T. C. Durant My dear Sir: Prof. Egleston will wait upon you at any time this week that you will please appoint by sending word here, My note asking him to call upon you on Saturday last was delivered by the mail too late. Pray do not omit to ask Gen. Dix for a word or two in Washington- particularly with Mr Seward - favoring the appointment of Dr. Barnard to one of the vacant places in the commission to the Paris Exposition - serving without compensation. Dr. Barnard is very thankful for your kind disposition to oblige him. It is a personal matter with him - his appointment having no relation to the Bureau. Yours very truly, Jas P. Kimball
Office of the Board of Experts of the American Bureau of Mines, New York, 4 Oct 1866. Dr T. C. Durant My dear Sir: Prof. Egleston will wait upon you at any time this week that you will please appoint by sending word here, My note asking him to call upon you on Saturday last was delivered by the mail too late. Pray do not omit to ask Gen. Dix for a word or two in Washington- particularly with Mr Seward - favoring the appointment of Dr. Barnard to one of the vacant places in the commission to the Paris Exposition - serving without compensation. Dr. Barnard is very thankful for your kind disposition to oblige him. It is a personal matter with him - his appointment having no relation to the Bureau. Yours very truly, Jas P. Kimball
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