Helen Grundman 4-H scrapbook, 1928-1932
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Helen Grundman Prescott, Iowa maples, cedars, boxelders, and seedling mulberries eighteen inches high. The rows were about four feet apart. Also started our orchard on the north slope. This orchard consists of sixty trees. The first year when they began our wind break and set out our orchard, was certainly a very hard task. The time to set the trees, and farming seem to come all at once. Many a night after chores, they took the lantern and set the little seedlings which are full grown now. People at that time laughed at them for setting so large an orchard and the wind break on all sides, but my father loves trees and he wanted to beautify his home, and now we have one of the prettiest place in our
Helen Grundman Prescott, Iowa maples, cedars, boxelders, and seedling mulberries eighteen inches high. The rows were about four feet apart. Also started our orchard on the north slope. This orchard consists of sixty trees. The first year when they began our wind break and set out our orchard, was certainly a very hard task. The time to set the trees, and farming seem to come all at once. Many a night after chores, they took the lantern and set the little seedlings which are full grown now. People at that time laughed at them for setting so large an orchard and the wind break on all sides, but my father loves trees and he wanted to beautify his home, and now we have one of the prettiest place in our
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries