English cookbook, 1770-1790
Recipe 1-3
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Ague or Intermitting Fever Put into two Quarts of Spring Water 2 oz of Jesuits Bark bruised w:th two Drams of Salt of Tartar. boyl these together till 1 Quart is consumed w:n it is rolled & settled, pour off ye Clear & put to it of Compound Peony water & Compound Gentian Water of each two Oz: drink off this a qua:r of a Pint every four hours during ye Interval of ye Fits. Milk Punch Take 2 Quarts of Brandy 2 of Milk and 2 of Water, 6 middling Lemmons & 2 Oranges, pour them, & put all your Peels close up in something, but squeeze ye Juice into ye 3 Liquors, & Stir 'em all together sweeten it to your Taste w:th double refin'd Sugar, run it thro’ a Jelly Bag till clear w:n all is run off Lift half your peels: but you must fill your Bottles so as all ye Oyl of ye Zest goes equal, cork it close, it will keep a great while & sparkle & look fine. Drops To a pint of ye best white Wine, take an Oz: & half of ye best Opium w:th one dram of Saffron, pulled in Peices and stir ye Opium then & let it Dissolve in a proper vessel as a Silver Tankard, infuse it four hours before a hot fire & let it not boyl, you let it cool & Settle, 2 days after pour it easy from ye [Dregs?][Drugs?] & you strain it thro’ a Flannen & keep it in Bottles for your use.
Ague or Intermitting Fever Put into two Quarts of Spring Water 2 oz of Jesuits Bark bruised w:th two Drams of Salt of Tartar. boyl these together till 1 Quart is consumed w:n it is rolled & settled, pour off ye Clear & put to it of Compound Peony water & Compound Gentian Water of each two Oz: drink off this a qua:r of a Pint every four hours during ye Interval of ye Fits. Milk Punch Take 2 Quarts of Brandy 2 of Milk and 2 of Water, 6 middling Lemmons & 2 Oranges, pour them, & put all your Peels close up in something, but squeeze ye Juice into ye 3 Liquors, & Stir 'em all together sweeten it to your Taste w:th double refin'd Sugar, run it thro’ a Jelly Bag till clear w:n all is run off Lift half your peels: but you must fill your Bottles so as all ye Oyl of ye Zest goes equal, cork it close, it will keep a great while & sparkle & look fine. Drops To a pint of ye best white Wine, take an Oz: & half of ye best Opium w:th one dram of Saffron, pulled in Peices and stir ye Opium then & let it Dissolve in a proper vessel as a Silver Tankard, infuse it four hours before a hot fire & let it not boyl, you let it cool & Settle, 2 days after pour it easy from ye [Dregs?][Drugs?] & you strain it thro’ a Flannen & keep it in Bottles for your use.
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks