English cookbook, 1770-1790
Recipe 19-20
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19. Lavender Water Take Lavender Flowers & pick 'em clean from ye Stem, & pick out all ye green Leaves, put 'em into a Rose Still, fill ye still near full, y.n put in 3 oz 4 Quarts of ye best brandy, yn paste ye Still very close for 24 hours, then draw it w:th fresh flowers, & put in ye Spirits w:ch you drew off before, & paste ye Still up again for 24 hours, then draw it off again w:th a Slow Fire, then fill ye still again w:th Fresh flowers, & put in ye Spirits w:ch were drawn off before, let it stand 24 Hours close pasted up, & you may draw 3 pints 20. Preserved Goosberrys Take ye great white Goosberrys just before they are Changeing Colour & take off ye Tops and bottoms clean, cut a little Slice out of ye sides & stone 'em, & lay yn in a Pot of strew sugar on 'em as you do 'em, to a pound of Goosberrys take a pint of Juice & pound & half of Double refin'd Sugar, put 'em into ye Preserving pan, & boyl em as fast as you can, keep out a handfull of Sugar to strew on as they boyl, w:n they look clear They are enough, a little time will boyl 'em w:n you take 'em off, pour em into a white Bason & scum 'em clear, & put 'em into Glasses, let your Juice stand to Cool and pour it off clear w:n you put it into your Glasses.
19. Lavender Water Take Lavender Flowers & pick 'em clean from ye Stem, & pick out all ye green Leaves, put 'em into a Rose Still, fill ye still near full, y.n put in 3 oz 4 Quarts of ye best brandy, yn paste ye Still very close for 24 hours, then draw it w:th fresh flowers, & put in ye Spirits w:ch you drew off before, & paste ye Still up again for 24 hours, then draw it off again w:th a Slow Fire, then fill ye still again w:th Fresh flowers, & put in ye Spirits w:ch were drawn off before, let it stand 24 Hours close pasted up, & you may draw 3 pints 20. Preserved Goosberrys Take ye great white Goosberrys just before they are Changeing Colour & take off ye Tops and bottoms clean, cut a little Slice out of ye sides & stone 'em, & lay yn in a Pot of strew sugar on 'em as you do 'em, to a pound of Goosberrys take a pint of Juice & pound & half of Double refin'd Sugar, put 'em into ye Preserving pan, & boyl em as fast as you can, keep out a handfull of Sugar to strew on as they boyl, w:n they look clear They are enough, a little time will boyl 'em w:n you take 'em off, pour em into a white Bason & scum 'em clear, & put 'em into Glasses, let your Juice stand to Cool and pour it off clear w:n you put it into your Glasses.
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks