Ann Kenwrick cookbook, 1770
Page 19
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To Dry Plumbs or Damasons Take 3 pounds of Mosells plumbs or the large plumbs that Will dry, cut them down their Sides and take out their Stones but If they be Damasons doe them with their Stones in, Cut them aCross the top, take care you don't breake their Skins, then Take one pound and 3 Quarters of Sugar to 3 pounds of Plumbs, boile your Sugar in a pint or more of water, Scin Them clean; then put in your plumbs and cover they over Whilst they are over the fire, let them be redy to boile, then Take them of again, let them Stand a little then put them On again, and so do 5 or 6 times till they are very Soft, then Put them into a broad Earthen pan, and let them Stand 3 days, then boile up the liquor, and put to them again and let them stand 5 days more, then lay them upon clean Scieves, and when you think they are dryed enough wash them With warm Water and dry them in a Cloth, set them in the oven Again for about 4 hours, then box them. If they are Mosells Or pear plumbs, when they are ready to wash, take the worst of them and put them within the other, close them up and let Them Stand a little in the Oven, then wash and paper them up To Dry Plumbs. Take 3 pounds of plumbs, cut them a top take out the Stones, And put in a pound of Sugar, Set them on the fire, let them Do leasurally 4 or 5 days or a Week, then take the Smallest and Stuff them with their Skins while they will hold, then heat them Scalling hot for a week together but in a Brass Skillet, for it Will make them change their Colour, take care they dont Break, then give them a Small heat in the Oven, just to plump Them, not to dry them much, then lay them between 2 Pewter Dishes, and set them into Slack Oven, turn and order them in The Oven, till they have their colour, then set them in your Stove and dry them enough to paper and box them, dry your Paper and lay between every row and let them dry. To Dry Plumbs, Pears or Apples. Take Lay your Plumbs all night in Rose Water in the morning Lay them on a Pye Plate and halfe bake them, then put them Into the Oven with a Gentle heat, so do day by day till they be dry and then box them, and they will look so clear as amber. Plumb Past. Put your Plumbs into an Earthen pott and bake them in the Oven with Manchet Bread then pouer out all the Liquor From them and strain the Plumbs through your Gelly bagg an
To Dry Plumbs or Damasons Take 3 pounds of Mosells plumbs or the large plumbs that Will dry, cut them down their Sides and take out their Stones but If they be Damasons doe them with their Stones in, Cut them aCross the top, take care you don't breake their Skins, then Take one pound and 3 Quarters of Sugar to 3 pounds of Plumbs, boile your Sugar in a pint or more of water, Scin Them clean; then put in your plumbs and cover they over Whilst they are over the fire, let them be redy to boile, then Take them of again, let them Stand a little then put them On again, and so do 5 or 6 times till they are very Soft, then Put them into a broad Earthen pan, and let them Stand 3 days, then boile up the liquor, and put to them again and let them stand 5 days more, then lay them upon clean Scieves, and when you think they are dryed enough wash them With warm Water and dry them in a Cloth, set them in the oven Again for about 4 hours, then box them. If they are Mosells Or pear plumbs, when they are ready to wash, take the worst of them and put them within the other, close them up and let Them Stand a little in the Oven, then wash and paper them up To Dry Plumbs. Take 3 pounds of plumbs, cut them a top take out the Stones, And put in a pound of Sugar, Set them on the fire, let them Do leasurally 4 or 5 days or a Week, then take the Smallest and Stuff them with their Skins while they will hold, then heat them Scalling hot for a week together but in a Brass Skillet, for it Will make them change their Colour, take care they dont Break, then give them a Small heat in the Oven, just to plump Them, not to dry them much, then lay them between 2 Pewter Dishes, and set them into Slack Oven, turn and order them in The Oven, till they have their colour, then set them in your Stove and dry them enough to paper and box them, dry your Paper and lay between every row and let them dry. To Dry Plumbs, Pears or Apples. Take Lay your Plumbs all night in Rose Water in the morning Lay them on a Pye Plate and halfe bake them, then put them Into the Oven with a Gentle heat, so do day by day till they be dry and then box them, and they will look so clear as amber. Plumb Past. Put your Plumbs into an Earthen pott and bake them in the Oven with Manchet Bread then pouer out all the Liquor From them and strain the Plumbs through your Gelly bagg an
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks