Ann Kenwrick cookbook, 1770
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To Keep Hartechock Bottoms Throw them in water and Salt half a day, then Make a pott of Water boile, put them in and cut them Out Smooth and handsome, and put them in a pott, With the best white wine Vinegar, Salt whole peper, A bay leafe or 2, a few Cloves, poure Some melted butter Over enough to cover them well, then tye them down Close, and when you use them, put them into boiling Water with a piece of butter in the water to plump Them, and to dry them order them the Same way as The other, only insteed of putting them into pickle Lay them on Scives, Set them in the Oven with household Bread when its drawn and dry them well, box them up Boile them as you did the other with a piece of butter drawn Up thick, and they are proper for made dishes as you please To Pickle Mylions or Great Cucumbers Mango Way. Cut out a piece in their Sides, the length of your Cucumber Take out the seeds and drain them well, put in them Some, Cloves, Mace, whole pepper, and Musterd Seed, with a Clove or 2 of Garlick, the Same of Sherlotts, a Race or 2 of Ginger Sliced thin, lay the piece you cut out in again And tye it up with a piece of pack thread, and cover them Well with White Wine Vinegar, then put in a good deal Of made Mustard, a bay leafe or 2, and Salt according to The Quantity you make, let them lie in the cold pickle 9 days, put them in a brass Kittle, let them have one Boile, then take them of the fire, and Stow them till they Are as green as Grass then take them out and boile the Pickle and poure over them Scalling hott, cover your pot Tye it down close, and you may eate them next day, Or they will keep a Yeare. To Pickle Walnutts. Take Wallnuts when you can just run a pin throug Them make a pott of water boile, and take it of and Poure it into your Wallnuts which you must put into An Earthen pan, letting them ly a week, Shifting them
To Keep Hartechock Bottoms Throw them in water and Salt half a day, then Make a pott of Water boile, put them in and cut them Out Smooth and handsome, and put them in a pott, With the best white wine Vinegar, Salt whole peper, A bay leafe or 2, a few Cloves, poure Some melted butter Over enough to cover them well, then tye them down Close, and when you use them, put them into boiling Water with a piece of butter in the water to plump Them, and to dry them order them the Same way as The other, only insteed of putting them into pickle Lay them on Scives, Set them in the Oven with household Bread when its drawn and dry them well, box them up Boile them as you did the other with a piece of butter drawn Up thick, and they are proper for made dishes as you please To Pickle Mylions or Great Cucumbers Mango Way. Cut out a piece in their Sides, the length of your Cucumber Take out the seeds and drain them well, put in them Some, Cloves, Mace, whole pepper, and Musterd Seed, with a Clove or 2 of Garlick, the Same of Sherlotts, a Race or 2 of Ginger Sliced thin, lay the piece you cut out in again And tye it up with a piece of pack thread, and cover them Well with White Wine Vinegar, then put in a good deal Of made Mustard, a bay leafe or 2, and Salt according to The Quantity you make, let them lie in the cold pickle 9 days, put them in a brass Kittle, let them have one Boile, then take them of the fire, and Stow them till they Are as green as Grass then take them out and boile the Pickle and poure over them Scalling hott, cover your pot Tye it down close, and you may eate them next day, Or they will keep a Yeare. To Pickle Walnutts. Take Wallnuts when you can just run a pin throug Them make a pott of water boile, and take it of and Poure it into your Wallnuts which you must put into An Earthen pan, letting them ly a week, Shifting them
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks