Ellen Mowrer diary, 1865-1869
Page 05
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Sabbath Eve. May 23rd 1869. Have been very busy of late & have neglected you my dear old diry, but this even we will have a nice little tete' a tete', fro al have left us. that is ([Mil?]) [illegible] I love to write my thy lovely pages. How I would be so happy if my thoughts would flow, so fast that I could write[illegible] often without thinking what to write, but when I look around on [illegible] my [illegible] soul longs fro to pour it song of praise & prayer to the holey me, who does all things well. Now so [illegible] tis under the music of the [illegible] poor rode as they as they [illegible] blind theirs song with the [illegible] breeze of the dewy night. Now the trees that but a few month ago, [derided? decided?] & do dyed in the bleek S [illegible] winds of winter, that have been [illegible] all about by the [illegible] snow.
Sabbath Eve. May 23rd 1869. Have been very busy of late & have neglected you my dear old diry, but this even we will have a nice little tete' a tete', fro al have left us. that is ([Mil?]) [illegible] I love to write my thy lovely pages. How I would be so happy if my thoughts would flow, so fast that I could write[illegible] often without thinking what to write, but when I look around on [illegible] my [illegible] soul longs fro to pour it song of praise & prayer to the holey me, who does all things well. Now so [illegible] tis under the music of the [illegible] poor rode as they as they [illegible] blind theirs song with the [illegible] breeze of the dewy night. Now the trees that but a few month ago, [derided? decided?] & do dyed in the bleek S [illegible] winds of winter, that have been [illegible] all about by the [illegible] snow.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries