Milton Mowrer correspondence to Ellen Mowrer, 1866-1868
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go no where without paying, so different from the country. [Sammie?] has some idea of coming west, perhaps, he and Ellen will come out together after corn planting time Think Samuel would do right well, his children are all very industrious. Jane Posey is not married yet with poor prospects as to future. Sister write soon and give me the news. Your affectionate brother Milton P. Mowrer To his Sister Ellie M. Mowrer This is only for you to read MP.M. Keep this letter for reference as I will send the Photo's in some other letters they are to heavy for letter from your brother milton
go no where without paying, so different from the country. [Sammie?] has some idea of coming west, perhaps, he and Ellen will come out together after corn planting time Think Samuel would do right well, his children are all very industrious. Jane Posey is not married yet with poor prospects as to future. Sister write soon and give me the news. Your affectionate brother Milton P. Mowrer To his Sister Ellie M. Mowrer This is only for you to read MP.M. Keep this letter for reference as I will send the Photo's in some other letters they are to heavy for letter from your brother milton
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries