Harriet Dawbarne cookbook, January 1834
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Plum Cake 1 Flour, 3/4 Currants, 1/2 Sugar, 1/4 Candid Peel, 1/4 Butter, 1 Egg, 1/2 pint of milk one Tea spoonfull of Baking Powder Mrs. Blake for Mrs RWD May 29 1864 Old Man's Hats 1 Sugar, 1 Butter, 1/2 Rice, 1/2 Flour 9 Eggs, a little Essence of Lemon Mrs. H Allard Sandwich Cake 3 Eggs and the weight thereof of powdered sugar Butter and Flour - Beat the Eggs with the sugar beat the Butter to a cream and add it with the flour & the Eggs - Bake about 20 minutes in a slow oven. Miss C Dawbarn Wisbeach White Gingerbread 1 Lump sugar, 3/4 Flour, 6 oz Butter, Eggs 1 yolk & 3 whites, 1 oz Ginger, Beat all well together and drop on tins, Bake in a slow oven. Mrs Challand
Plum Cake 1 Flour, 3/4 Currants, 1/2 Sugar, 1/4 Candid Peel, 1/4 Butter, 1 Egg, 1/2 pint of milk one Tea spoonfull of Baking Powder Mrs. Blake for Mrs RWD May 29 1864 Old Man's Hats 1 Sugar, 1 Butter, 1/2 Rice, 1/2 Flour 9 Eggs, a little Essence of Lemon Mrs. H Allard Sandwich Cake 3 Eggs and the weight thereof of powdered sugar Butter and Flour - Beat the Eggs with the sugar beat the Butter to a cream and add it with the flour & the Eggs - Bake about 20 minutes in a slow oven. Miss C Dawbarn Wisbeach White Gingerbread 1 Lump sugar, 3/4 Flour, 6 oz Butter, Eggs 1 yolk & 3 whites, 1 oz Ginger, Beat all well together and drop on tins, Bake in a slow oven. Mrs Challand
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks