Peter A. Dey correspondence, 1863-1865
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a month or more doing nothing three parties can not do it. The expense of these parties will be very great as the freight on their food &c can not be less than twelve cents per Pound - I should think that it would be neccessary to use all the economy in our power = I understand that the pay of Division Engineer is $1800 per Annum 1st Assistant " $1200 2nd " " $900 Rodman $50 per M Chainman 45 " " Axeman 40 " " of this I have had no notice official or any other - I have had no information as to what my own compensation is to be as yet and feel some solicitude to know - As my expenses are large it becomes a matter of some moment with me. Please let me know this as soon as this is acted upon by the Board - Respectfully Yours Peter A. Dey
a month or more doing nothing three parties can not do it. The expense of these parties will be very great as the freight on their food &c can not be less than twelve cents per Pound - I should think that it would be neccessary to use all the economy in our power = I understand that the pay of Division Engineer is $1800 per Annum 1st Assistant " $1200 2nd " " $900 Rodman $50 per M Chainman 45 " " Axeman 40 " " of this I have had no notice official or any other - I have had no information as to what my own compensation is to be as yet and feel some solicitude to know - As my expenses are large it becomes a matter of some moment with me. Please let me know this as soon as this is acted upon by the Board - Respectfully Yours Peter A. Dey
Building the Transcontinental Railroad