Correspondence from W. F. Gray to Thomas C. Durant, Chicago, Ill., 1868
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General Travelling Agency, Railway and Steamship Service, Passenger Department. Chicago Oct 24th 1868. Dear Sir Enclosed is my letter and such I have done in this Country & England for the last six months, until I have expended several hundred dollars of my funds Mr. Snyder will tell you all, My address is care of 45 Dearborn St Chicago - Respectfully Yrs W F Gray Dr. Ths C. Durant. Omaha Neb note Before I went to England I saw you and took with me several hundred of the Circulars &c of the UPRR
General Travelling Agency, Railway and Steamship Service, Passenger Department. Chicago Oct 24th 1868. Dear Sir Enclosed is my letter and such I have done in this Country & England for the last six months, until I have expended several hundred dollars of my funds Mr. Snyder will tell you all, My address is care of 45 Dearborn St Chicago - Respectfully Yrs W F Gray Dr. Ths C. Durant. Omaha Neb note Before I went to England I saw you and took with me several hundred of the Circulars &c of the UPRR
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