Correspondence from W. F. Gray to Thomas C. Durant, Chicago, Ill., 1868
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Union Pacific Railroad Office Chicago Agency Chicago, October 27th 1868 Dear Sir As Mr. Snyder can inform you, the enclosed is some of my work on the other side of the Atlantic, I have out there now several thousand two Column Circular addresses to the Emigration, and as I have been at several hundred dollars expense, already I feel that the UPRR should extend toward this a helping hand. Address 45 Dearborn Street, Chicago Respectfully Yours W F Gray Genl. Trav Agt To Doctor Thomas C. Durant Genl Manager UPRR Omaha
Union Pacific Railroad Office Chicago Agency Chicago, October 27th 1868 Dear Sir As Mr. Snyder can inform you, the enclosed is some of my work on the other side of the Atlantic, I have out there now several thousand two Column Circular addresses to the Emigration, and as I have been at several hundred dollars expense, already I feel that the UPRR should extend toward this a helping hand. Address 45 Dearborn Street, Chicago Respectfully Yours W F Gray Genl. Trav Agt To Doctor Thomas C. Durant Genl Manager UPRR Omaha
Building the Transcontinental Railroad