Thomas C. Durant estate correspondence, 1885-1910
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ROLLIN TRACY COUNSELOR AT LAW, 20 NASSAU STREET, NEW YORK, Apl 22d 1886. Answered Apl 26, 1886 W.W.Durant Esq. Dear Sir, I am making my arrangements for the first of the month and as I shall move next week I would like to get together what money I can before then. I See the balance on our account is $200.12 and if you could send me a check for some or all of it, it would greatly convenience me. I called to see you two or three times today at your office but found you either engaged or out. & so missed you. Yours Truly Rollin Tracy
ROLLIN TRACY COUNSELOR AT LAW, 20 NASSAU STREET, NEW YORK, Apl 22d 1886. Answered Apl 26, 1886 W.W.Durant Esq. Dear Sir, I am making my arrangements for the first of the month and as I shall move next week I would like to get together what money I can before then. I See the balance on our account is $200.12 and if you could send me a check for some or all of it, it would greatly convenience me. I called to see you two or three times today at your office but found you either engaged or out. & so missed you. Yours Truly Rollin Tracy
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