Thomas C. Durant estate correspondence, 1885-1910
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W. West Durant. Aldrich Court 45 Broadway, New York. New York Dec. 20 1896. Mr. W.W. Durant, My Dear Sir, I communicated our conversation to my [son?] who writes me from Phila where he now is; that he would like to call upon you with reference to the matter referred to, and he will be here Saturday P.M. on Sunday & Monday A.M. If you would please send me a note whether it would be convenient for you to see him while he is here, & if so at what time & where. I will be greatly obliged Very truly yours Rollin Tracy 35 Nassau St.
W. West Durant. Aldrich Court 45 Broadway, New York. New York Dec. 20 1896. Mr. W.W. Durant, My Dear Sir, I communicated our conversation to my [son?] who writes me from Phila where he now is; that he would like to call upon you with reference to the matter referred to, and he will be here Saturday P.M. on Sunday & Monday A.M. If you would please send me a note whether it would be convenient for you to see him while he is here, & if so at what time & where. I will be greatly obliged Very truly yours Rollin Tracy 35 Nassau St.
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