Correspondence from William F. Durant to Thomas C. Durant, 1855-1863
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Chicago Dec 25th 1856 Dear Brother Yours of the 20 at hand. The charges in the [Engine?] & other machinery paid, all out to Davenport by this time. I think that they will find some part of the machinery that was in Boxes damaged by laying under water, was out to Davenport the first of the month Shall be in New York about the 3rd of May All well Yours truly Wm F Durant
Chicago Dec 25th 1856 Dear Brother Yours of the 20 at hand. The charges in the [Engine?] & other machinery paid, all out to Davenport by this time. I think that they will find some part of the machinery that was in Boxes damaged by laying under water, was out to Davenport the first of the month Shall be in New York about the 3rd of May All well Yours truly Wm F Durant
Building the Transcontinental Railroad