Heloise H. Durant legal documents, bank checks, receipts, 1864-1881
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For and in consideration of One dollar to me in hand paid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged and for other valuable considerations I hereby sell assign transfer and set over unto Heloise H. Durant all the claims demands and debts due me from the Union Pacific Rail Road Company, as collateral security for any and all sums of money due the said Heloise H. Durant from me, hereby giving her full authority to collect and receive the same for my account and from the proceeds thereof to re-imburse herself any sums that may be due her by me, the residue if there be any to be paid to me or my legal representative. New York August 12 1874 T.C. Durant
For and in consideration of One dollar to me in hand paid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged and for other valuable considerations I hereby sell assign transfer and set over unto Heloise H. Durant all the claims demands and debts due me from the Union Pacific Rail Road Company, as collateral security for any and all sums of money due the said Heloise H. Durant from me, hereby giving her full authority to collect and receive the same for my account and from the proceeds thereof to re-imburse herself any sums that may be due her by me, the residue if there be any to be paid to me or my legal representative. New York August 12 1874 T.C. Durant
Building the Transcontinental Railroad