Hazard versus Thomas C. Durant correspondence, 1871-1876
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SIDNEY DILLON, President. ELISHA ATKINS, Vice President. E.H. ROLLINS, Sec. and Treas. Union Pacific Railroad Company [P.O. BOX 5109. (scratched out) 5287] OFFICE, 46 SEARS' BUILDING, Boston, Febry 8th 1875. T. C. Durant, Esq. New York. Dear Sir:- I have yours of the 6th [illegible].- The case in Rhode Island seemingly seeks some remedy, -as well against the Union Pacific Rail Road Company, as Mr. Duff, Mr. [Amis?] and the other gentleman here.- I have lost sight of the nature of the Bill, and will thank you to send me a copy of it-as it now stands, The settlement-made in Boston, to which you and Hazgard were [partial?], much, I think, be deemed vacated by the non-execution of it, -arising from the loss of the papers, -and the dissent of yourself and Mr. Hazgard -as to their contents. As to Cazard's [quit?] against the Company, I shall be greatly pleased to have a conference with you. -If you will fix a day during the next week, when you will come
SIDNEY DILLON, President. ELISHA ATKINS, Vice President. E.H. ROLLINS, Sec. and Treas. Union Pacific Railroad Company [P.O. BOX 5109. (scratched out) 5287] OFFICE, 46 SEARS' BUILDING, Boston, Febry 8th 1875. T. C. Durant, Esq. New York. Dear Sir:- I have yours of the 6th [illegible].- The case in Rhode Island seemingly seeks some remedy, -as well against the Union Pacific Rail Road Company, as Mr. Duff, Mr. [Amis?] and the other gentleman here.- I have lost sight of the nature of the Bill, and will thank you to send me a copy of it-as it now stands, The settlement-made in Boston, to which you and Hazgard were [partial?], much, I think, be deemed vacated by the non-execution of it, -arising from the loss of the papers, -and the dissent of yourself and Mr. Hazgard -as to their contents. As to Cazard's [quit?] against the Company, I shall be greatly pleased to have a conference with you. -If you will fix a day during the next week, when you will come
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