Hazard versus Thomas C. Durant legal draft report, Providence, R.I., September, 1880
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The foregoing as a draft report was submitted to the parties June 11-1880 to which time the proceedings had been regularly adjourned for that purpose; and by agreement July 26th was fixed as the time for filing objections to the same, and an adjournment was taken to August 5th for the hearing upon such objections. At the time appointed both the Complainants and Mr. Durant filed objections which I herewith return. On August 5th, 6th and 27th they were fully heard upon these objections, and after considering the same I find that the report should be modified in the following particulars. First - As to the amount chargeable to Mr. Durant under the Hoxie contract. The accounts as differently stated, and the evidence on these matters are exceedingly confused and complicated; - Both parties now claim that the
The foregoing as a draft report was submitted to the parties June 11-1880 to which time the proceedings had been regularly adjourned for that purpose; and by agreement July 26th was fixed as the time for filing objections to the same, and an adjournment was taken to August 5th for the hearing upon such objections. At the time appointed both the Complainants and Mr. Durant filed objections which I herewith return. On August 5th, 6th and 27th they were fully heard upon these objections, and after considering the same I find that the report should be modified in the following particulars. First - As to the amount chargeable to Mr. Durant under the Hoxie contract. The accounts as differently stated, and the evidence on these matters are exceedingly confused and complicated; - Both parties now claim that the
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