Hazard versus Thomas C. Durant legal draft report, Providence, R.I., September, 1880
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I find, as stated in the draft report, that it is there charged in his accounts with the Rail Road Company (Statement No. 8), and thus swells, - or rather creates, the balance of that account which he charges to the Credit Mobilier in his special Contract account; but it is here again balanced and accounted for by these same payments charged to him in Hain's account The Complainants, however, further claim that he should be charged with this amount a second time because he had again received it from the Rail Road Company (not from the Credit Mobilier as the Complainants' argument H. seems to erroneously assume) in the $304874.45; and were I satisfied that he had so received it as profits under the contract I think that this claim would be well founded. But I am not so satisfied. True the effect of Mr Durants affidavit in interpolating this $304874.45 into the Rail Way Bureau adjustment account seems to be to credit the whole amount of it as against these profits; but I do not think
I find, as stated in the draft report, that it is there charged in his accounts with the Rail Road Company (Statement No. 8), and thus swells, - or rather creates, the balance of that account which he charges to the Credit Mobilier in his special Contract account; but it is here again balanced and accounted for by these same payments charged to him in Hain's account The Complainants, however, further claim that he should be charged with this amount a second time because he had again received it from the Rail Road Company (not from the Credit Mobilier as the Complainants' argument H. seems to erroneously assume) in the $304874.45; and were I satisfied that he had so received it as profits under the contract I think that this claim would be well founded. But I am not so satisfied. True the effect of Mr Durants affidavit in interpolating this $304874.45 into the Rail Way Bureau adjustment account seems to be to credit the whole amount of it as against these profits; but I do not think
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