Hazard versus Thomas C. Durant legal draft report, Providence, R.I., September, 1880
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stated to have been paid in stock of the Rail Road Company at $40 per share, - equal to 75 per cent in stock @ par, - instead of 30 per cent cash, as entered in the draft report. - The evidence shows that it was thus paid in stock,though it is usually stated as a cash dividend, which led to the error in the report. The restatement therefore of the amount with which I find Mr. Durant chargeable with interest at 7 per cent to Sept 17th 1880 the date of this report is as follows= 1864 Nov. 24 For amount received for purchase of charter Interest 46.000 53029.67 1865 Mar 10 average date For amount received on account of subscriptions under agreement of October 7- 1864 390475 424196.60 1864 Nov 9 Amt. recd.under [Hopie?] Contract from R.R. Co [a/c?] profits 136.000 150944.99 1865 Mch 20 -- Do Do from Credit Mobilier a/c profits 308000 335856.65 Aug 15 -- Do Do Do 168894.45 178369.07 --- --- -- Do Do Do 13000 -- 13730.89 1866 Dec 31 -- Do on Suspense account 5500 -- 5279.85 1867 Mch 21 -- Do -- Do 30000 -- 28332.50 __________________ $1,097,849.45 1,189,740.22
stated to have been paid in stock of the Rail Road Company at $40 per share, - equal to 75 per cent in stock @ par, - instead of 30 per cent cash, as entered in the draft report. - The evidence shows that it was thus paid in stock,though it is usually stated as a cash dividend, which led to the error in the report. The restatement therefore of the amount with which I find Mr. Durant chargeable with interest at 7 per cent to Sept 17th 1880 the date of this report is as follows= 1864 Nov. 24 For amount received for purchase of charter Interest 46.000 53029.67 1865 Mar 10 average date For amount received on account of subscriptions under agreement of October 7- 1864 390475 424196.60 1864 Nov 9 Amt. recd.under [Hopie?] Contract from R.R. Co [a/c?] profits 136.000 150944.99 1865 Mch 20 -- Do Do from Credit Mobilier a/c profits 308000 335856.65 Aug 15 -- Do Do Do 168894.45 178369.07 --- --- -- Do Do Do 13000 -- 13730.89 1866 Dec 31 -- Do on Suspense account 5500 -- 5279.85 1867 Mch 21 -- Do -- Do 30000 -- 28332.50 __________________ $1,097,849.45 1,189,740.22
Building the Transcontinental Railroad