Hazard versus Thomas C. Durant legal draft report, Providence, R.I., September, 1880
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been regularly paid. -- As to the prices of gold between January 1st 1868 and July 1st 1878 inclusive I find them to have been as stated by Hain on pages 4 and 5 of his deposition; given before Sperry October 17th 1879 and I adopt the statement of these prices there given as a part of this report. It is proper also to add that I find it impossible to strictly comply with the instruction of the decree to report the amount of the profits and dividends "over and above said seven per cent interest," as by the evidence the stocks and bonds have fluctuated in value, and no time is fixed by the decree for valuing them. It also appears from Mr. Durant's answers to the interrogatories propounded to him by the Complainants in the contempt proceedings that all or most of his bonds, and much of his stock, of the Rail Road Company had been disposed of or pledged before the commencement of this suit, and that he had
been regularly paid. -- As to the prices of gold between January 1st 1868 and July 1st 1878 inclusive I find them to have been as stated by Hain on pages 4 and 5 of his deposition; given before Sperry October 17th 1879 and I adopt the statement of these prices there given as a part of this report. It is proper also to add that I find it impossible to strictly comply with the instruction of the decree to report the amount of the profits and dividends "over and above said seven per cent interest," as by the evidence the stocks and bonds have fluctuated in value, and no time is fixed by the decree for valuing them. It also appears from Mr. Durant's answers to the interrogatories propounded to him by the Complainants in the contempt proceedings that all or most of his bonds, and much of his stock, of the Rail Road Company had been disposed of or pledged before the commencement of this suit, and that he had
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