Hazard versus Thomas C. Durant depositons, numbers 1-15, 1859-1880
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time from March '65 up to the Fall of 1865 the Capitol Stock was increased and new subscriptions taken) &c. 99 After "full force at work" = I made a verbal report to the Board of the condition of the work which they noted on their minutes This I think was before the contract was reduced to writing.. 107 Nearly 58 miles of the [?] had been done under the verbal arrangement. 116 After "refused to read it" = Its contents had been previously given in my verbal report --- 163 Page 38 middle Train "He gave $5000 in cash and $15000 in Stock and when "we" instead of "he" and "he" instead of "they" 183 page 41 Ans. = It should be the Company had an office in Philadelphia
time from March '65 up to the Fall of 1865 the Capitol Stock was increased and new subscriptions taken) &c. 99 After "full force at work" = I made a verbal report to the Board of the condition of the work which they noted on their minutes This I think was before the contract was reduced to writing.. 107 Nearly 58 miles of the [?] had been done under the verbal arrangement. 116 After "refused to read it" = Its contents had been previously given in my verbal report --- 163 Page 38 middle Train "He gave $5000 in cash and $15000 in Stock and when "we" instead of "he" and "he" instead of "they" 183 page 41 Ans. = It should be the Company had an office in Philadelphia
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